On Drinking - 44th Word, the Emerald
From a translation of the Old Russian book "The Emerald" (измарагд) which includes many of St. John Chrysostom's sermons, as well as original texts. I thought it relevant for the upcoming Nativity Fast.
Above: Pious meal vs. gluttonous and drunken meal
Not to drink at all- this they prohibit greatly.
For the holy fathers did not forbid this
to drink and eat at the lawfully fit time
but forbade gluttony and drunkenness.
'The devil did not eat or drink,
yet plummeted down;
whereas Paul ate and drank,
yet ascended to heaven'.
For to not drink at all,
happens to be sadness to creatures.
Drink is from God - onto pleasure:
that is - to the smart, onto pleasure.
But to the senseless, who frequently quass themselves into drunkenness, - onto inexorable evil sin.
For the Scripture does not say, ‘drink not,’
but, ‘become not drunk,’ and,
‘ye shalt not drink onto drunkenness.’
To these it behooves to drink -
To those who can hide drunkenness in the paunch,
and hold maugre words in the maw.
If the mindless could, become drunk, not fornicate,
then they may have gotten drunk.
Of this even the dead would wonder.
For about such as drink a lot it was said:
“To whom woe?
To whom disquiet?
To whom rumors? To whom want? To whom filth?
To whom blue [bloodshot] eyes?
To whom futile devastation?”
Is it not to those biding in wine, and inspecting where the feasts are?
Faithful brothers and sisters:
Avoid drunkenness, but not drink,
as it is authorized to drink little,
revitalizing yourselves with the fear of God.
And ward the orisons of the hour,
when to pray to God - evening, morning,
and mid-day, in sober-mindedness,
and not in drunkenness.
As Apostle Peter speaks,
'Brothers - be sober and not drunk.’
Because your adversary, the devil,
seeks drunks, to consume them.
O, woe betide drunks!
How can they safeguard themselves,
Lying as dead?
They awayed from God,
for drunkenness.
They distanced themselves
from the Holy Spirit,
for the sake of the stench of drunkenness, without the word of God on their lips. Rotten, because of drunkenness,
their guardian angel having departed,
and weeping,
because of drunkenness.
While the demons take delectatioun in drunkards,
and rejoicing bring to the devil the sacrifices of drunkenness,
from the drunks.
And the devil rejoicing says,
“Never have I been as jovial and merry
from the sacrifices of pagans,
as from the drunkenness of Christians,
for in drunks are all the deeds of my desire, and better for me are the drunks,
and the binge-drinkers of the Christians,
than the pagan idol-worshipers,
because God abides even pagans,
but hates the drunks, and abhors them, while I delight in them,
because those who are drunk are mine
and such as are sober are God’s.”
Thus the devil spoke,
and said to the demons,
“Go and instruct the Christians onto drunkenness
and onto every deed of my desire.”
And the angels of the Lord arrived,
and informed the holy fathers,
with great sadness of this,
for them to separate the Christians from drunkenness,
and from malevolent binges,
but not from the drink of the appropriate time. So the holy fathers wrote
this pure, noble and holy teaching,
and conferred it to Christians
to keep for the continuation of this life.
For any who abideth this rule,
and liveth in the fear of God,
will inherit the Heavenly Kingdom.
And those who do not abide in the lore of the holy fathers,
will be doomed with the demons
into the endless torment.
Thus hearing this, brothers and sisters,
let us try to carry out
the commandments of God
with a sober mind,
glorifying Him, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, всегда и ныне и присно и во веки векомъ, Amen.
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